pedal car

Can't people come together and create a car powered by pedaling?!?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

BP OIl Spill quote of the day

"The Gulf of Mexico is a crime scene," said Larry Schweiger, president of the National Wildlife Federation, "and the perpetrator cannot be left in charge of assessing the damage."

Amen Brother.  

Monday, May 17, 2010

Simple Living

Time has come to get back to some more simple living.  I was reading about the economic crisis deepening in Europe because of the financial problems in Greece.  The article said...

"...a new report by the International Monetary Fund warns that “high levels of public indebtedness could weigh on economic growth for years.”" 

How long will it take us to get out of debt?  We all second mortgaged our houses after we maxed out our credit cards, didn't we?  Aren't all the family friendly cars over $20,000 a pop?  If we don't start a personal downsize now, I think the world wide economy will force us.

Pedaling is simple.  I would be willing, if I had the funds, to start a company that made super high quality pedal cars, very low maintenance ones that a person would never have to replace, but could maintain easily.  I would sell them until I put myself out of business.  People would leave them to their families in their wills.  The oil wells would be shut down (another soap box). It would be beautiful.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nissan Leaf

It's not a pedal car, but it is a promising all electric car.  Get's 100 miles per charge.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Extra inspiration to pedal

My son forgot his lunch today.  I rode my bike to deliver it to him at school.  The oil spill in the Gulf inspired me.  Then I read this article about the Exxon Valdez spill.

It still isn't clean.  How long ago did that happen?  1989. The article states there is still a residue of about 20,000 gallons in the area.  Sickening.

Our president needs to make sure this mess gets cleaned up at BP's expense.  Then he needs to get American factories to make pedal/electric cars.  My opinion.  :-)

The oil spill in the gulf makes me sick.  My family spent spring break in Alabama a couple of years ago.  You can see the rigs out at sea when you are at the beach.  My dad met a guy who said his job was to dump the oil laced sludge they dig up when making wells.  He dumped it out at sea.  We all had a sick feeling then.  I feel worse now.