We need cars powered by pedaling!
What is the answer for growing gas prices and growing waistlines in America? Vehicles powered by pedaling!!!!! Is there anyone out there who agrees and has the engineering know-how to make my dream car a reality?
Wouldn't it be great to have a van with 6 sets of pedals? The pedaling could either directly power the wheels or charge a battery that can power the car. What if you could disable the pedals you aren't using? What if there were light sensors on the dash to alert the driver who is slacking?
I'm sick of paying for $3 a gallon gas. I want a pedal car!
yes i agree
so would you peddle along with me Evelyn? ;-)
That was from me.
Sounds good! Er, I live in the mountains. Their might have to be solar power cause we get a lot of SUN. Couldn't we generate wind power going down the hills? yeah, down is good.
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